We all are aware of the fact that India didn’t get independence overnight; it was the struggle of almost 200 years. We cherish those freedom movements on the auspicious day of Independence Day, which falls on 15th August. But one should be aware of the places where these movements took place and one can always travel and visit these places and pay homage to all those who died to give us the freedom we enjoy today.

  • To begin with our very own capital Delhi – Red Fort, where every year, prime minister of India delivers a speech and hoists the national flag on 15th Red Fort, which derived its name due to their red stone structure, was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. In 1857, by defeated the last Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar, the British took over this fort and finally on 15th Aug, 1947 the first prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru raised the Indian flag. Red Fort is not only entice a traveller through its outer beauty but one may find interesting attractions inside it like museums, palaces, souvenir shopping, sound and light show, etc.


  • Think about ‘kaala paani’ and it reminds everyone of Cellular Jail in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. British used this island as a prison and the jail was constructed between 1896 and 1906. Today it is a freedom landmark to the political prisoners and freedom fighters. Located in Port Blair, this jail is a three-storied building, Interesting to know is the jail has 693 cells which are connected in the shape of a starfish. It was turned into a national memorial in 1969 and has a museum which depicts the India’s struggle for freedom. Some amazing places to visit near Cellular Jail are Ross Island, North Bay Island, Kala Pathar Beach, Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, and Little Andaman.


  • One of the popular freedom movements took place at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on the day of Baisakhi on 13th April, 1919. When thousands of people gathered there and General Dyer ordered for open fire on the innocent crowd. This garden is now a memorial which is visited by thousands every year, situated close to Golden Temple in Amritsar. Most of the tourists visit to see the dry well that was taken as the last route by the crowds to save their lives. They jumped into it and many left injured.


  • One of the most visited places in Ahmedabad, situated on the banks of Sabarmati river is Sabarmati/Gandhi Ashram, where Mahatma Gandhi spent his life and made efforts to attain freedom from Britishers. The ashram showcases the life of Gandhi, his message and teachings, artifacts related to Gandhi. Along with this, one can explore the cultural and historic city of Ahmedabad.


  • Another famous place in Pune, Aga Khan Palace, a beautiful palace built in 1892 and served as prison for political prisoners like Mahatma Gandhi, those who were imprisoned during Quit India Movement in 1942. Its Italian arches can leave you awestruck. It has spacious law, museums, memorials and a shopping place.

Hope you will find this piece interesting as much as we were interested in gathering this information for you. If you need to plan a travel to these places and around them, contact GTK Travels for a better itinerary for you.  Let’s make your travel patriotic. Jai Hind!