Travelling: A road to recovery from Depression

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), more than 300 million people worldwide are affected by depression. And it is one of the common mental health problems, which has become a buzzword now-a-days. The reasons could be many; the symptoms could differ and so the remedies. One of the remedies is travel. Yes, travel is something which rejuvenates our soul, revitalize our energy, let us connect ourselves with nature, beauty, culture; and vanish our problems and tensions.


Travelling is something you just think and you will feel better instantly. The idea of travelling brings smile on our faces. People who travel have more positive attitude towards life. The beauty of the nature; the charm of the new culture and people, have a positive impact on human minds. A close escapade with mountains or the waves of beaches; a tryst with the greenery or an interaction with locals; let your problems go away. Depression is something which makes one introvert; don’t let anyone to interact with people but when you travel and interact with people, it helps one to come out of anxiety. This ensures a bigger picture of life for a depressed person. You return back with some relief; that’s for sure.


If you are stuck with some bad relationship or a job/career; chalk out a travel plan; pack your bags and just leave to explore the world. After all; life is too short to be depressed. Travel as much as you can…. Travelling is not a sure shot remedy for depression but yes it can make wonders in your life; can change the perspective towards life; can give a new meaning to your life; which might a medicine won’t work for a depressed person. If you need any guidance to plan your trip, GTK TRAVELS can assist you. Travel, Explore and Be happy always.