A Travel journey with meaning:


Travel has many meanings but travel in itself can be a meaning… meaning to life, meaning to soul, to the problems of your life, to the happiness you are searching for. We travel for fun, excursion or for a break; but sometimes we travel to enrich our life with some meaningful experiences – to learn and explore new ways, places, to bring back some meaningful experiences as memories.

Being in France, explore the culture of wine and vineyards – being close with the locals, learn how it is made, the variety, the preservation, getting engaged with them in the wine making process. Sounds interactive?

Being in Uttarakhand, staying with locals, experience their local lives, daily routines, tastes the local cuisine, engaged in their culture, and paying for stay in their homes help them in their livelihoods; is a meaning experience.

A tryst with the culture of making lac bangles in Rajasthan or making chocolates in Belgium; a close escapade with the wildlife, environment, farming is a learning experience along with travel and leisure.

Such experiences give your journey a new meaning – which is a #meaningfulmemory

Here are few suggestions how one can plan such holidays to enrich your life with the unique experiences of the world.

1. Cultural experiences – Have a thorough research on the cultures of the places you are planning to visit. See how you can get engaged with it in terms of some local classes, interactions, etc. These days, culinary classes are very famous merged with travel like making chocolates in Switzerland or lassi (buttermilk) during farm tourism in Punjab.

2. Love for wildlife, environment – Not just engaged in the jungle safaris but to get engaged in the plantations, preservation of wildlife and greenery, is a meaningful thought.

3. Being local on travel – This is the best way to experience any destination better. Staying in a luxury property won’t serve the purpose. Interaction with local people about their livelihoods, food, traditions, gives an altogether different meaning to your travel.

4. Travel for cause – Cycling expeditions, mountain trekking, are some of the reasons for travel for cause. It is a responsible tourism.

So are you ready for a meaningful journey with the above suggestions? If you have plans to chalk out something, you can approach GTK Travels, we not only plan an attractive itinerary for you but can collaborate it with some meaningful and engaging experiences which can make your travel WORTHY. After all, a travel journey can be a #meaningfulmemory